Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The thrill of the hunt!

I mentioned a few blogs ago how my best friend Holly and I took a trip to West Virginia to go shopping. I stated how my experience reminded me of a certain term we covered in class, impulsive buying. Holly and I's shopping experience at Gabriel Brothers (also known as Gabes) also reminded me of another thing we discussed in class. I never realized how much I enjoy the thrill of the hunt until that unique shopping experience. I have in the past gone to Gabes before to see if they had any good deals going on. However, that fateful Friday, I had a whole different experience with Gabes! From the moment we walked in to the minute we walked out of the store, I was on a hunt. I wanted to find the best deals no matter how long it took me. I got such a thrill from going around the store looking through each rack of clothes looking for things that looked cute or I thought I had to have. The best part of it all  was looking at the price tag and seeing $4.99 or $6.99! However, those small bargains added up rather quickly and I soon realized that once I got to the register. I convinced myself that I was still saving money because I would have spent so much more if we would have went to one of our favorite stores, Forever 21.  With that said, I did spend a lot, but I also got a lot too!

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