Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Source Derogation

Source Derogation is a thought process that simply takes place in your mind. You put down the source being advertised. You do not give the product a chance; you do not believe in it at all. This term reminds me of the infomercial that I see daily, the "Bump It" Infomercial! If you have yet to see it (which does not seem possible) it is a commercial that does everything and more to make you believe that you need a small hair thing that is designed to give you the bump that everyone so desires now a days. By the end of the commercial they have the viewers thinking that they can no longer take a comb and tease your own hair to make the bump yourself. It is evident that throughout the commercial their goal is to make the viewers believe this homemade object is a necessity. I however, did not fall in to this trap of theirs...I instead have and continue to make fun of this infomercial every time I see it! It is clear evidence that people will go to any length to make money these days. 

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