Sunday, May 10, 2009

Impulse shopper vs. impulse buyer

Thanks to Chapter 10's Buying and Disposing, I have gained the knowledge that is  definitely needed when being a shopaholic  As they say, the first step to the problem is admitting it. After reading about consumer's behavior regarding the in-store decision making, I learned a great deal of information that I take with me every time I go shopping now. Take for instance, one of my best friends, Holly and I went to Parkersburg, WV on Friday. We had every intention on our journey there of going to as many stores as we could in the short time that we were going to be in town. However, we only made it to one store and that store was Gabriel Brothers. The minute we walked in there we knew we were going to be there for a while.  I did not imagine we would be there all day long, though that is exactly what happened. Holly and I were definitely partaking in what I like to call, impulse shopping. We did not intend on finding so many eye-catching items, but again that is what happened. As we walked through the store we picked up anything and everything that caught our eye and placed it in our carts. Once our carts became incredibly full, we made our way to the fitting rooms. We were praying that most of the items we picked would not fit so that it could prevent us from putting a huge dent into our bank accounts. Thankfully, I ended up being an impulse shopper rather than buyer! Before  I made my way to the cash register, I knew I had to give myself a limit and weed out the clothing items that I did not have to have. Because I made that decision, I walked out of the store with a clear conscience and knew with out a doubt that I had made the right decision. With that said, the moral of the story is, it is far better to be an impulse shopper than to actually go through with the purchase and be an impulse buyer!  

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