Sunday, April 12, 2009

My thoughts on reference price

This past weekend I had the opportunity of going shopping with my sister at Easton Town Center in Columbus, Ohio.  My sister, Tabitha, and I enjoy taking trips there from time to time and we realized a trip to Easton was long past due! On the journey there we always tell ourselves we are going to only spend so much. Although, once I step foot into my favorite store, Forever 21, all those responsible thoughts seem to float away. I have come to the realization that this happens because of a very simple reason, the clothing there is cheaper than anywhere else. Not only does that factor play a vital part in my consumer behavior, but the wide variety of clothing and accessories Forever 21 provides to their customers does as well. From the time spent in the dressing room, to the minute I am standing infront of the cash register, I am debating with myself if I truly need or if I want the items in my hand. I am honest with myself most of the time and admit I do not need the clothing I am holding. However, the minute I decide that, my mind reminds me of the deals I am getting by purchasing these items at this time. I look down at the price tag and remind myself how much I am saving becacuse this particular item is indeed on sale! At this time in the purchasing process, I am taking into consideration the reference price.  Nontheless, if the item was still at its original price, I would not feel the need to purchase it. Nevertheless, before I know it, I am out the door and just another consumer buying into the sale prices...literally. 

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