Monday, April 20, 2009

Economic indicators and survey show recession easing


   In, an economist at the Conference Board,  Ken Goldstein, said the following promising comment regarding the economy's future "The recession may continue through the summer, but the intensity will ease." Is Goldstein giving us false hope? According to the National Association for Business Economics (NABE), Goldstein seems to be on the right track with his statement. Not only does Goldstein believe this to be true, but the lead analyst on the survey and an economist at IHS Global Insight, Sara Johnson, also agrees with him. She believes the recession is dwindling and the she believes this to be true because of the following statement she made "key indicators--industry demand, employment, capital spending, and profitability--are still declining, but the breadth of decline is narrowing."  With this being said, I believe it is appropriate to say that the light at the end of the tunnel may be a lot closer than I thought. After reading this article, I got excited because I am starting to believe there is hope for our economy again. In addition to this, I am optimistic for the job market as well especially since I am about to be a college graduate and am currently seeking employment. I have been going back and forth about whether to relocate to Atlanta, Georgia because I knew there would be a lot more job opportunities down there rather than in Ohio. After reading this article, I am not only hopeful for the economy, but also for the job market for myself and the rest of the people throughout the country seeking employment as well.  

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